Today Harry from BBC Radio Jersey contacted me to ask if I would be interested in doing a live interview. Guess how long it took me to say yes? ….yes seconds.

Was so excited about this interview, because for me it is the start of me reaching my goal. This for me was just so Empowering. You know the other reason that I was excited is because I do ‘Manifesting’. You put the thought out there and feel the emotion with that thought and you will get your desire. Yes it really works… but that’s another blog. 😉

The interview was scheduled for 12th June at 14.20pm and OMG was I so excited. When the clock hit 1pm, I was getting a little nervous. Jesus you should have seem be at 2pm. ha ha.

So in I breathed to calm the body and mind. ‘I can do this, this is me’ was my mantra . Oh it sure helped.

It really does help if you believe in what you do – classic empowerment core value.

Eliza Philippidis was the presenter who interviewed me, and she is so lovely. The answers just flowed from me, sometimes I’d think, is this really me speaking about this. Think I’ve realised I know more than I think.

Being asked to do this interview on any Empowerment was just so empowering for me too, loving the feeling.💕

This, I know is the first of many interviews, (yes, I’m manifesting this path for me).

So thank you Harry for contacting me… and thank you Eliza for interviewing me.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Huge Love
